
The manufacturing sector sustains annual losses valued at millions of euros derived from both external and internal risks.

These risks, in addition to jeopardise the profitability and even the future viability of the activity, jeopardize trade and industrial secrets, the perception of the company's brand and reputation in the market.

At Sensorpoint we are prepared to help our customers meet their regulatory obligations in the security domain, as well as to perform audits to identify internal and external risks specific to the facilities, and to design solutions that enable loss prevention.

So by providing customized security solutions designed to mitigate risk and maximize profitability, we contribute to your organization's competitive success.

Carregamento Carros Deteção de Intrusão CCTV Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento Deteção de Incêndio Deteção de Gás Controlo de Acessos Sistemas de Comunicação de Emergência Sistemas de Inspecção Sistemas de Som Sistemas de Extinção para Hotte de Cozinha Sistemas de Extinção Automática de Incêndios Sistemas de Extinção por Água Sistemas de Som Reconhecimento de Matriculas Iluminação Solar