
The retail sector is highly competitive and susceptible to rapid changes due to events beyond its control.

In Portugal, millions of euros are lost annually by retailers who often face challenges associated with the multiple risks they are subject to, such as fraud, vandalism, fire, and internal and external theft.

Each of these risks can be prevented by introducing specific systems and operating integratively.

Whether it's an international chain or a small retailer, Sensorpoint is the provider of security solutions that will work with you in the development of loss prevention programs, allowing you to identify how they occur, making it easier to Detection of suspects and minimizing their exposure to this risk.

Carregamento Carros Deteção de Intrusão CCTV Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento Deteção de Incêndio Deteção de Gás Controlo de Acessos Sistemas de Comunicação de Emergência Sistemas de Inspecção Sistemas de Som Sistemas de Extinção para Hotte de Cozinha Sistemas de Extinção Automática de Incêndios Sistemas de Extinção por Água Sistemas de Som Reconhecimento de Matriculas Iluminação Solar